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IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture (Obsolete)
Description: This document specifies the architectural characteristics, expected behavior, textual representation, and usage of IPv6 addresses of different scopes.
Added on: 13-Apr-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Well known site local unicast addresses to communicate with recursive DNS servers (Obsolete)
Description: This documents specifies 3 well known addresses to configure stub resolvers on IPv6 nodes to enable them to communicate with recursive DNS server with minimum configuration in the network and without running a discovery protocol on the end nodes. This method may be used when no other information about the addresses of recursive DNS servers is available. Implementation of stub resolvers using this as default configuration must provide a way to override this.
Added on: 13-Apr-2003 | Downloads: 1591

An analysis of IPv6 anycast (Obsolete)
Description: The memo tries to identify the problems and issues in the use of IPv6 anycast [Hinden, 1998] defined as of today. The goals of the draft are (1) to understand the currently-defined IPv6 anycast better, (2) to provide guidelines for people trying to deploy anycast services, and (3) to suggest updates to IPv6 anycast protocol specification. The document was made possible by input from ipngwg DNS discovery design team.
Added on: 13-Apr-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Multi-link Subnet Support in IPv6 (Obsolete)
Description: Bridging multiple links into a single entity has several operational advantages. A single subnet prefix is sufficient to support multiple physical links. There is no need to allocate subnet numbers to the different networks, simplifying management. This document introduces the concept of a "multilink subnet", defined as a collection of independent links, connected by routers, but sharing a common subnet prefix.
Added on: 13-Apr-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 Specification (Obsolete)
Description: This document defines the model and generic mechanisms for IPv6 encapsulation of Internet packets, such as IPv6 and IPv4. The model and mechanisms can be applied to other protocol packets as well, such as AppleTalk, IPX, CLNP, or others.
Added on: 13-Apr-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Scoped Address Extensions to the IPv6 Basic Socket API (Obsolete)
Description: This document specifies a set of extensions to the basic IPv6 sockets API for the support of scoped addresses.
Added on: 13-Apr-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Link Scoped IPv6 Multicast Addresses (Obsolete)
Description: This document specifies an extension to the multicast addressing architecture of the IPv6 protocol. The extension allows for the use of interface-IDs to allocate multicast addresses. When the link- local unicast address is configured at each interface of a host, an interface ID is uniquely determined. By delegating multicast addresses at the same time as the interface ID, each host can identify their multicast addresses automatically at Layer 1 without running an intra- or inter-domain allocation protocol in serverless environments. Basically this document updates the "Unicast-Prefix- based IPv6 Multicast Addresses" for the link-local scope [RFC 3306].
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

IPv6 Node Information Queries (Obsolete)
Description: This document describes a protocol for asking an IPv6 node to supply certain network information, such as its hostname or fully-qualified domain name. IPv6 implementation experience has shown that direct queries for a hostname are useful, and a direct query mechanism for other information has been found useful in serverless environments and for debugging.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture (Obsolete)
Description: This specification defines the addressing architecture of the IP Version 6 protocol [IPV6]. The document includes the IPv6 addressing model, text representations of IPv6 addresses, definition of IPv6 unicast addresses, anycast addresses, and multicast addresses, and an IPv6 node's required addresses. This document obsoletes RFC-3513 "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture".
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Textual Representation of IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses (Obsolete)
Description: Historically, the conventional textual representations of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses have been poorly specified. This document gives precise definitions of these conventions, together with advice for implementors.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

IPv6 Socket API for Address Selection (Obsolete)
Description: The IPv6 default address selection document describes the rules for selecting default address by the system and indicates that the applications should be able to reverse the sense of system preference of address selection for that application through possible API extensions. However, no such socket API exists in the basic or advanced IPv6 socket API documents. Hence this document specifies socket level options add new flags for the getaddrinfo() API to specify preferences for address selection that modify the default address selection algorithm. The socket APIs described in this document will be particularly useful when Mobile IPv6 is used, for IPv6 applications which want to choose between temporary and public addresses, CGA (cryptographically generated addresses) and non-CGA addresses, and applications which do not want the default preferences with respect to address scopes.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

IP Tunnel MIB (Obsolete)
Description: This memo defines a Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects used for managing tunnels of any type over IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Extension MIBs may be designed for managing protocol-specific objects. Likewise, extension MIBs may be designed for managing security-specific objects. This MIB does not support tunnels over non-IP networks. Management of such tunnels may be supported by other MIBs.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Router Advertisement Issues for Movement Detection/ Detection of Network Attachment (Obsolete)
Description: This draft presents the Router Advertisement issues for Movement Detection/ Detection of Network Attachment. Based on [RFC-2461], the information contained in RA is inadequate for efficient Movement Detection due to inconsistency and incompleteness. This draft describes the problems concerning Movement Detection and investigates the possible solutions.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

State Model for IPv6 Interfaces (v00)
Description: This document specifies a generic flexible state model for IPv6 Interfaces.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Goals for Organizational-Scope Communications (Obsolete)
Description: The IPv6 addressing architecture specifies formats for unicast addresses, but provides no operational guidelines for their use. There is a clear need for IPv6 to support organizational-scope communications whether members of the organization are located in the same site or different sites. Aspects of certain types of sites introduce challenges for supporting organizational-scope communications. Of special interest are nomadic sites, e.g., sites that are intermittently-connected or disconnected from the global Internet, sites that frequently change provider points of attachment, sites that temporarily or permanently merge with other sites, etc. This memo will discuss scenarios and goals for IPv6 support organizational-scope communications.
Added on: 21-Dec-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Hierarchical Prefix Delegation Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) (Obsolete)
Description: Stateless Autoconfiguration enables IPv6 hosts to send a request for a prefix, a network identifier to a router on the subnet. Using this ability a host can configure its IPv6 address. Likewise, by defining a way to request for a prefix to an upper level router, a router can get a prefix to be assigned to its subnet. This document describes a protocol for prefix delegation between routers. It allows routers get prefixes from its upstream routers, enabling the entire network and its belonging hosts autoconfigure their own addresses.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Dynamic MTU Determination for IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnels (Obsolete)
Description: This document specifies a means for IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel endpoints to support dynamic maximum transmission unit (MTU) determination. It provides a means for the local end to recognize when a packet should be forwarded to the far end, and when it should be dropped.
Added on: 24-Nov-2003 | Downloads: 1591

RFC 3041 Considered Harmful (Obsolete)
Description: The purpose of the privacy extensions for stateless address autoconfiguration [1] is to change the interface identifier (and the global-scope addresses generated from it) over time in order to make it more difficult for eavesdroppers and other information collectors to identify when different addresses used in different transactions actually correspond to the same node. Current Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) [2] attacks employ forged source addresses which can also be in the same prefixes than the real addresses of the compromised nodes used for attacks. Indeed, network ingress filtering defeats DDoS using "random" forged source addresses.
Added on: 01-Nov-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Bridge-like Neighbor Discovery Proxies (ND Proxy) (Obsolete)
Description: Bridging multiple links into a single entity has several operational advantages. A single subnet prefix is sufficient to support multiple physical links. There is no need to allocate subnet numbers to the different networks, simplifying management. Bridging some types of media requires network-layer support, however. This document describes these cases and specifies the IP-layer support that enables bridging under these circumstances.
Added on: 01-Nov-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Moderate Use Case for IPv6 Site-Local Addresses (Obsolete)
Description: This internet draft describes the moderate use case for IPv6 Site- Local Addresses.
Added on: 21-Dec-2003 | Downloads: 1591

IP Version 6 over PPP (Obsolete)
Description: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a standard method of encapsulating Network Layer protocol information over point-to-point links. PPP also defines an extensible Link Control Protocol, and proposes a family of Network Control Protocols (NCPs) for establishing and configuring different network-layer protocols.
Added on: 08-Oct-2004 | Downloads: 1591